Waking up to your soul’s purpose can be a painful and scary experience and not like the amazing and profound visions that you see in films or in psychedelic experiences. It is a hard and gruelling process.
As you awaken, you are likely to feel some strange things happening to you. This happens on many levels of your: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self. You can have some or all of symptoms listed below. At some time in the awakening process. Although the experience for many is hard it can be one of the most transformative and momentous time of your life’s journey. Your soul is calling you to listen to it and remember who you really are and what you came here to do.
It can feel like you are going losing your mind. Your higher self is talking to you.
· Hearing other peoples’ thoughts or voices in your head.
· Seeing things from the corner of your eye. Orbs and alike.
· You get “goosebumps” or “chills” after certain thoughts.
· You see repetitive numbers, such as 11:11 and 222.
· Songs come on the radio or your playlist that seem as if they are talking to you with messages.
· You overhear others’ conversations that answer questions you asked yourself recently.
· Seeing animals and nature differently.
· forgetfulness, forgetting what you are talking about mid-sentence. Brain fog.
· Disrupting electronics or flashing lights in the room.
· Seeing colours when you close your eyes.
· Seeing spirit
· You start seeing immediate consequences from actions you’ve taken.
· Losing time or feeling like time is endless
· You hear sounds inside your head.
· Ringing in the ears
Feeling Emotional? It’s You, getting in touch with Yourself.
· Sudden bouts of tears over little things?
· Sensitivity for all of life’s creatures? Avoiding harming insects?
· Quick to anger when you see cruelty?
· Can’t endure violent films anymore?
· Children and animals are drawn to you.
· Seeking to explain things you cannot explain.
· Wanting to be in nature more.
· Colours evoke emotional reactions.
· You can’t microwave your food anymore.
· You feel like you have a soul mate that you connect with in your dreams or long to be with.
· Needing to ground yourself.
Your Physical Body Feeling Like It’s Going to Die? It’s You, moving from carbon-based to crystalline form.
The physical symptoms are the hardest to assimilate because they get in the way of living your life. You will feel better on the other side of the process. They may disappear and reappear again on the journey.
· Itchy skin
· Acute Flu symptoms
· Monthly cycle goes haywire
· Water retention
· Insomnia
· Overheated hands or cold hands
· Seeing flashes of light
· Hearing sounds no one else hears
· Waking up at 3am
· Pulsating hands and feet
· Craving more protein and vegetables
· Food allergies or intolerances
· Ringing and high-pitched noises in your ears
· Extreme tiredness
· Feeling unsteady on your feet
· Itching in your throat or soreness
· Sudden temperature changes
· Muscle spasms while trying to rest
Wanting to declutter and redecorate? It’s You, clearing out some old beliefs.
· You want to release items that don’t give you joy.
· You will lose friends and even family.
· You take on less responsibilities.
· You eat the same foods every day.
· Your clothing gets simpler and more comfortable.
· Your career or job changes unexpectedly.
· You stop watching so much television or reading the newspaper.
· You are no longer susceptible to salespeople.
· You speak less often. If it doesn’t feel important, you feel comfortable not saying anything.