Shamanic Training Courses

Gateway Level 1
£ 300 - 10am to 5pm
Sat 30th Nov Sun 1st Dec 2024
This is an introduction to Shamanism and you will learn techniques to open sacred space. You will be shown how to cleanse yourself, your home and your friends and family. You will also be taken on a journey to cleanse your Nawis (chakras) and receive a shamanic totem animal. Connect to your main spirit guide and protection methods. These teachings are mainly Peruvian based but are also led by spirit.
We will connect to the elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether and teach you how to make sacred kinto prayers of gratitude. We will discuss the Peruvian archetypes and the Gateways and initiations you can expect to receive if you choose to make the next step on the training. We will also talk about the sacred Mestana (Mesa) medicine bundle. The mesa’s capacity to hold power or energy and enable the Q’ero Paqo priests to build a relationship with Pachamama and the spirit world. We will also discuss the sacred Khuya stones that the Q’ero people use inside their medicine bundle as a tool for healing, divination, communicating with spirit and warding off negative energies, and diagnosing ailments.
You will need to attend this workshop if you wish to move forward on to the next part of your journey.
The Serpent of the South will be the next direction.
We can all shine light bright stars in the night sky
Ancient and modern healing practices merged together for this workshop. Based on the Inca tradition, For those wanting to train as a shamanic practitioner or just for your own self- healing journey. This workshop is a gateway and introduction to shamanism and you will learn techniques to open sacred space. You will help create a beautiful white despacho. You will also be taken on a journey to cleanse your nawis (chakras) and receive a shamanic totem animal. We will connect with the elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water and Ether. We will teach y We will also learn about cleansing your home etc. We will discuss the Peruvian archetypes and the gateway initiations you can expect to receive if you choose to make the next step on the training. We will also talk about the sacred mestana (mesa) medicine bundle. The Mesa’s capacity to create power and energy and the sacred teachings from the Qero Paqo priests. Who build a relationship with Mother Earth (Pachamama) and the spirit world. We will also discuss the sacred Khuyas (sacred stones) that the Paqo’s use as sacred healing tools and divination, communicating with spirit, warding off negative energies, and diagnosing ailments. You will need to complete this gateway if you wish to move forward to the next Gateway. The Serpent of the South. If you are interested, please contact Karen to show your interest. The medicine wheel is the basis for the healing journey of many primary cultures around the world. The Q’ero and Inka refer to the medicine wheel in terms of the four winds – the Tawantinsuyu. The healing journey starts in the south and ends in the east and is held by the Father Sky ( God consciousness) and Pachamama (Mother Earth). We journey the medicine wheel in a spiral with no beginning and end but an expansion of ever-increasing levels of awareness and joy. When we engage the medicine wheel as healing journey, we are engaging more than a set of practical tools to use in our everyday lives.. What we are really engaging is a whole World view that is rooted in a different mythology than that of the West, and that is of critical importance at this time. It is through the medicine wheel that we heal not only our own wounds, traumas, limiting beliefs, fears, and personal mythology, but that we heal the fundamental underlying myths of our culture and the nature of our relationship with the Earth and all of our relations.

The South Gateway Level 2
£ 600 groups non residential
10am to 5pm
Held Over 4 Days
Private 121 training including accommodation and food and 121 training £2250
Held over 4 days
The South direction. The way of compassion, the beauty way. In the South direction you will meet with your first 3 stones of your mesa bundle, your sacred Khuyas. This is the start of the healer’s journey to wholeness. We release the grip of our old patterns and personal stories and release everything that no longer serves you. Just like the serpent sheds its skin regularly so it can grow bigger, you will also shed your past, step away from personal stories of being a victim, pain and suffering and allow yourself to create a whole new future. When we remove the bindings that hold us back or keep us small we can move forward, to grow fully. Living the right balance of harmony with ourselves and with the Earth.
You will receive energetic belts of power of the archetypes. The Harmony Karpay. Also known as the Ayni Karpay. These seeds that you must nurture and grow. You will also receive the mesa rites. Day keeper rites also known as the Pampamesayoq Karpay and be connected to the lineage of the Peruvian Q’ero traditions. Then lastly the Altomesayouk rites or the wisdom keeper rites. These are similar to the Munay Ki rites but Star has been given a way to place these in the teachings without the participant having to do the Munay ki rites as a separate training. Star works directly with the Star beings and the master’s Qero teachers before her when she transmits these rites, she also passes down lots of her own teachings and lineage from all of her previous teachers. Including plant medicines teachers.
This is a certified course of a basic Shamanic practitioner.
This direction is open to everyone who has completed the beginners introductory workshop.

The West Gateway Level 3
£ 600 groups non residential
10am to 5pm
Held Over 4 Days
Private 121 training including accommodation and food and 121 training £2250
Held over 4 days
The West is the path of Jaguar/Puma. The direction of the West. The element for this direction is water. This pathway is for those who have completed the South direction. The West helps us to face our fears and make peace with our shadow self. Here we step away from toxic thinking, guilt and shame and release patterns from past lives.
We work alongside Puma/Jaguar discovering our deepest fears of the subconscious. Helping us to face the truth about ourselves. You will be taught how to clear past lives from yourself and cut all ties to those past lives that are still affecting you in this lifetime. You will be taught how to hold space for others and help them to clear past lives also. You will also be taught about the black stone healing. Using powerful black river stones to remove heavy energy from the body. (Hucha stones). A black despacho releasing ceremony will also be taught to you for you to clear your path ahead. Stepping beyond fear and releasing your flight or fight energies within you. Transforming energies that no longer serve you, so that we free up our own energy and make ourselves available to life again. You will also be taught how to release intrusive energies. You will learn to speak your truth and walk your talk.You will receive energetic belts of power of the archetypes. You will be given the seeds that you must nurture and grow. You will also receive the mesa rites and be connected to the lineage of the Peruvian Q’ero traditions.
This is a certified course of a basic Shamanic practitioner.
This direction is open to everyone who has completed the South workshop.
All indigenous cultures have a Medicine Wheel or Gateways as a basis of their tradition. The wheel represents the cycles of life that we humans undertake during our time here on Earth. They help us to discover who we are and allow us to grow and evolve. The Gateways do the same as the wheel but are initiations that are designed for each person to journey in stages of growth and development at their own pace. Having been taught both the Medicine Wheel and the Gateways I resonated more working with the Gateways. Both are extremely powerful and have the same processes. The Peruvian Medicine Wheel as we know it in the west today was developed by Alberto Villodo. He was taught by the Qero people and developed the wheel from this so that us westerners could understand the teachings easier.
The Gateways are set within Peruvian traditions and taught be the Q’ero shamans who came down from the mountains to teach westerners their ways. They were told to do this in their prophecies. When the snow caps started to melt they must go down to the mainland and share their wisdom and teachings. This began in the late 1980’s.
The Gateways are sacred teachings and initiations that will enable you to go on a journey of self-discovery and healing and empowerment. You may choose to walk the path as a very personal journey or you may wish to walk this path to go on to help others to heal their wounds and empower them. There is no obligation to complete all the Gateways. Very few people make it to the last Gateway. The Mastery Gateway is the 6th/7th Gateway, and this will enable you to qualify as an advanced Shamanic Practitioner and teacher. The completion of this process will take up to 4 years minimum to complete.
The path to begin starts with the introduction course which is Gateway Level 1, followed by the directions:

The North Gateway Level 4
£600 - 10am to 5pm
Held Over 4 Days
There are additional costs in this direction due to the location it is held. This is no more than what people pay for hotel/ B&B's when attending the South and West training.
Private 121 training including accommodation and food and 121 training
Held over 4 days
The North is the path of the Hummingbird. The direction of the North. The element of air. Having shed the past in the South and reclaimed your power and released your fears in the West. The North helps you to explore who you truly are. Finding your purpose. Behind all the roles we play and the masks we wear. Who are we? Why are we here? Releasing our attachments to the many roles we play in life.
This beautiful direction will help to bring joy and magic into your shamanic path. In the North we learn how to reclaim parts of us that were lost. We do this by the soul retrieval process. You will also be shown how to hold space and create a beautiful white despacho ceremony for yourself and others. Helping you to manifest a beautiful future. We remember the ancient memories and connection to nature. We step outside of the confines of linear time as we are no longer informed by the past but are ready to become co-creators with an act of power and love. We learn to nudge destiny and influence past events; we remember who we are becoming. We return to innocence by stepping beyond our last impediment – all that we know, and all the roles we’ve identified with; so that there is nothing left to defend. With our new knowledge.

The East Gateway Level 5
£600 - 10am to 5pm
Held Over 4 Days
There are additional costs due to the location that this is direction is held.
Private 121 training including accommodation and food and 121 training
Held over 4 days
The East is the path of the Eagle and Condor. The East direction. The element for this direction is fire. This path helps you to come to a place of acceptance and to see things from a different perspective. Our purpose in the east is to grow the god within us. To connect to the super conscious and the upper world. Creating trust in the universe and allowing us to meet our future selves and change the future before it has begun.
You will be taught how to cut energetic cords and energetic contracts from not only this lifetime but all lifetimes. We dream the world into being. It is the Hopi and Inka elders that sit in prayer for the entire world. It is who we are quantum leaping into becoming. It is stepping fully into the role and responsibility of co-creator.
We take all that we have learned and bring it back into the practical world