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Anger is not dark.

Anger is not dangerous.

Anger is not something unspiritual.

Anger is not "bad",

Nor is it a sign of a lack of evolution,

Or our failure,

Nor our lack of internal look, of peace, of enlightenment, of maturity, of health. None of that.

Anger is simply fire:

The fire can burn,

Fire can cleanse,

Fire can light up,

Fire can heal.

Anger is a real and valid emotion from billions of years ago

Intelligently emerging into our bodies to protect us from a threat real or imaginary.

He wants to set limits, he's ready to say No,

Has the will to defend our values,

And it longs to be heard.

Anger is not the problem.

Anger is not inherently violent

It is in our REACTION to our anger

Where the violence starts

When we repress or reject the power of our anger, when we push it in, we refuse to feel it

Or we even acknowledge it, and hide it to be “good” and to please, impress, or protect others,

When we attack and hurt others to find relief from our anger,

When we judge, blame, become angry, and manipulate and try to control others (what they think, what they feel, what they want or no longer desire),

When we make others feel bad, we punish them..

That's where the "darkness" lies

In reacting to our anger,

On our quest to unload

In our escape from the body,

Not in the anger itself.

Anger is only energy, wild and powerful energy arising in the body,

It is not a sin or a 'non-spiritual' force that must be eradicated,

But rather an intense and creative expression of life itself.

Anger is simply a wild part of us asking to be recognized, with understanding, with compassion, with love, with calmness, with breathing.

Some of the most violent people I've ever met (superficially) have been the most "spiritual", the enlightened,

Gurus, the perfect, those who "never get angry", those who "are always calm, at peace and in a perfect state of love and equanimity", those who "live in a state of pure consciousness".

There is no true love if we don't love our anger when it comes to visit.

True light is willing and can illuminate the shadow, and bless the chaos.

Anger is not inherently dark,

Anger is not dangerous,

Anger is not ‘unspiritual’,

Anger is not ‘bad’, or shameful, or sinful.

All these outdated beliefs come from a deep fear,

Of a misunderstanding and lack of confidence in the body.

We can undo this conditioning:

Next time anger arises, as it will, will you slow down, connect, feel, breathe again, and have a curious attitude about this inner fire?

And beneath your anger, you may discover a tender, fragile, fearful heart, a beautiful vulnerability, and a self-protective power, with a history dating back billions of years.

Maya Medicina Ancestral

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