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Placing your home or workplace back to its sovereign energy

Home is where the heart is. Your home is an extension of you. It’s important that you feel totally at ease in your precious space. In my experience, the energy of a home holds emotional memories, the happy and the sad. If you have an uneasy feeling or have cold spots in the home these can be signs of negative energy. Do you not like being on your own in the home?

Have you ever walked into a room and got a good feeling from it? Or equally have you ever walked into a space and felt uncomfortable? That feeling you get is the emotional residue held within the physical space. Imagine what you are inheriting when you move into a new home that has been lived in by many other people before you. House clearing helps to clear the home of these built-up energies. Negative feelings come from lower vibrational energies that have been left behind and need to be cleared to make way for positivity. These can be from people who have lived in the property or other beings that hang around in your home that do not belong there. Which maybe spirits that have not crossed over or other entities.

Selling your property

Whether you are trying to sell your home or moving into a new space. Whether you are reclaiming a space after a separation or bereavement or establishing a fresh start for whatever reason we can work with the energy to anchor positivity. Whatever type of home you live in, from an apartment to a multi-storey house, energy can be cleared to create a clean slate and bring harmony to your living space. We place the home back in its sovereign state.

We start by clearing the home and then follow this with a blessing.  I do this from a distance working with a floorplan of your property and the exact location on the map. Photos or a drawing of the homes floorplan really help me to connect to each room.  Just as with the distance healing. We will connect and then by email firstly I would need the above information. We would then have a zoom videocall or other form of video chat. Where we discuss a little bit about your goals for the clearing. Then I will go away and do the clearing. This takes around 2-3 hours. Depending on the size of the property. I then send you a report with all my findings and what needed to be cleared in each room. With an explanation of the blessing and protection given. I will sometimes give you homework to do. This can involve the whole family. With specific instructions and support for after the session of house cleansing and house Blessing.

Depending on the size of the property


Price: Average 3-bedroom home with up to 8 rooms £120

Anything larger then please send me an enquiry

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